Why Not Replacing Missing Teeth is Bad for Your Health — Lotus Dental Group
While losing teeth as a child is average, there are no substitute teeth ready to come down into the socket and take their place as an adult.
You might not think this is a huge deal because it’s a back tooth hidden when you smile. Failure to replace missing teeth, on the other hand, might cause more issues for your remaining teeth as well as jeopardize your overall health.
- Missing teeth commonly cause bone loss.
The bone in your jaw is supported and stimulated by your teeth. When a tooth is lost, the tooth’s natural roots are no longer embedded in the jawbone, causing bone loss. Furthermore, the gap left by a missing tooth can alter the contour of your mouth, putting your nearby teeth and gums at danger of decay.
The adjoining teeth may shift out of their natural position to bridge the gap between your teeth. Missing teeth will fasten the process of shifting, which can occur spontaneously or as a result of gum recession or dental decay. Your bite is altered and may become misaligned when your teeth move out of their typical locations. This will make it difficult for you to eat and drink properly and cause headaches, muscle pain, TMJ dysfunction, and faster wear and tear on your remaining teeth.
- It isn’t easy to eat correctly when you have no teeth Or if you miss few of your teeth
When it comes to eating, each tooth serves a specific purpose, whether pulling bits off food or grinding it down, so it’s ready to swallow. You may not be able to eat food in the same way if particular teeth are missing; for example, if you lose any rear molars, you may be unable to grind meat and other difficult foods.
- A cracked grin can harm your self-esteem.
If you avoid smiling in front of the camera because you don’t want to show off your gap-filled smile, your missing teeth may be impacting your self-esteem. When space in your smile is evident anytime you smile, laugh, or chat, you’re less likely to do so without feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable. This makes socializing difficult, but it can also harm your mental health.
You should know that there are treatments available to help you regain your full, confident grin. Dental implants are an excellent option since they are implanted directly into the jawbone, providing additional support and stimulation to prevent further bone loss and changes in facial form.
Implants are a long-term treatment for missing teeth that look just like natural teeth. An implant, which comprises a titanium post that is screwed into your jaw, an abutment which connects the implant to the crown is fixed and the tooth is replaced using a suitable crown ,which, can help you eat properly again, prevent your other teeth from shifting position, and reduce muscle discomfort and headaches and also regain your lost smile.